24 Hour Voucher – Gell Bach


24 Hour Voucher for use at Gell Bach

This allows access to the WiFi for 24 hours when validated on the firewall. You may use the voucher on more than one device, however, the previously validated device will be unauthorised. There is no limit to the amount of times you can change device.

This voucher will work only at Gell Bach, and cannot be transferred to other sites at Traeth Bychan.

Please Note: You are not permitted to share your vouchers with other plots on the site, anyone found sharing vouchers, may have their devices blocked on the network. Each connection to a WiFi Access Point is limited to 5mbps, however, when the site is busy, speeds may decrease.
Please bear in mind, you are sharing a domestic FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) connection. If there is demand for more speed in the future, the site owner may look into improving the bandwidth available, but this would then need to be reflected in the cost of the vouchers.
Seasonal Vouchers will be deleted from the firewall on the 1st of November, regardless of when they were purchased.

In stock

Please click on the map below for a larger version.

Gell Bach - Access Point Map

By using your voucher on the wireless network, you are accepting without exception, our “Wireless Network Terms & Conditions” as set out below.

  1. Use of the wireless network at Traeth Bychan is entirely at the end users own risk. Traeth Bychan does not accept any liability for the security or integrity of its wireless network, including all data transmitted over it.
  2. Traeth Bychan does not guarantee availability of the wireless network or the speed of Internet access at any given time.
  3. Traeth Bychan only provides support for the wireless network infrastructure and cannot guarantee compatibility of end user equipment or software applications.
  4. Any attempt to hack or gain unauthorised access will result in legal action being taken against offenders under the Computer Misuse Act.
  5. The voucher provided must not be distributed or communicated in any way to any other person/user without the consent of Traeth Bychan.
  6. We reserve the right to monitor network traffic in general, to protect the network as allowed by law.
  7. The Traeth Bychan wireless network may not be used to violate the security of a network service or other system. Examples of security include hacking, cracking into, monitoring or using systems without authorisation: scanning ports, conducting denial of service attacks, distributing viruses or other harmful software, smurf attacks and unauthorised alteration or destruction of websites or other information.
  8. The Traeth Bychan wireless network may not be used, directly or indirectly with systems that are not configured and maintained in the manner which prevents their use by others in violation of the Policy. Examples include improperly securing a server so that it may be used by other to conduct a denial of service attack, improperly securing a mail server so that it may be used by others to distribute spam, and improperly securing an FTP server so that it may be used by others to illegally distribute licensed software.
  9. The Traeth Bychan wireless network may not be used to transmit or store material of an offence nature including obscene, pornographic, indecent, abusive and harmful materials or to transmit to recipient’s material which is inappropriate for them, including obscene or offensive materials to children.
  10. The Traeth Bychan wireless network may not be used in connection with criminal or civil violations of laws, regulations, or other government requirements of any jurisdiction. Such violations include theft or infringement of copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property, export control violations, fraud, forgery, pyramid or other prohibited business schemes and theft, misappropriation or unauthorised transmission or storage of funds, credit card information, personal information or online services.
  11. The Traeth Bychan Network may not be used to spam. Spam includes any of the following activities:
    • Sending any unsolicited email that could be expected, in our judgement, to provoke complaints.
    • Sending email not accurately identifying the sender, the sender’s return address, and email address origin.
    • Sending unsolicited email without identifying in the email a clear and easy means to be excluded from receiving additional email from the originator of the email.
    • Collecting the responses of unsolicited email.
    • Sending email with charity requests, petitions for signatures or any chain related materials.
    • Posting a single message or messages similar in the content to more than five online forums or newsgroups.
    • Posting messages to an online forum or newsgroup which violate the rules of the forum or newsgroup.